Rose Ghislaine de Féligonde
Do you also love Roses? If you have already looked at my website you will know, I love them and especially I love to paint them. Each rose has its own character and it is more than interesting, how a rose changes the colours from the buds, to…

New Portraits in oil finished
I have done new portraits in oil.
You will see fresh and clean skin tones with beautiful light and shadow.
Do you like my work? I also take commissions for portraits. I will paint from your own photographs, which you can send via email. Photos…

Red Tulips
Do you also like tulips? Are they not a beautiful sign for spring and sunshine and warmer days?
I found this red tulips and was inspired to do a painting in oil of them.
Red Tulips, oil, 50 x 70 cm (20"x28"), soldAlthough this painting is…