New figurative Oil painting finished
I have finally finished a new painting in oil, on which I was working the whole summer.
I am very pleased, that this is finally finished.
Size of the painting: 50x70 cm (20"x28"), I have used oil paints from Rembrandt, Old Holland and Winsor…

Heidi Klum Rose: Another new oil rose-painting finished
I have finished another oil painting and it is a rose again. This time it is the "Heidi Klum Rose".
This Rose is really named after this model Heidi Klum and only in Germany available.
I was personality in this shop in Cologne and bought this…

Under the birch – New watercolor painting
This is my newest work.
"Unter the birch" is a watercolor painting, painted on 140 Lb (300 g) hotpressed watercolor paper. It is a very romantic and idyllic scene - a young girl came through the gardengate, saw the pansies and wanted to enjoy…

Finally! My watercolor Rose painting of the Rose NEW DAWN is finished
I have worked a very long time on this watercolor flower painting. Finally I have finished the Rose New Dawn painting. It is a large painting: 52 x 72 cm, around 20" x 28", pained on 140 Lb (300 g) hotpressed watercolor paper, using again…

Pink Parrot Tulip – Another oil painting
I have finished another flower painting in oil, this time a Pink Parrot Tulip.
Please click on image for larger view.
Pink Tulip, oil
Size: 20"x24" (50x60 cm)
Technorati Tags: Art, oil, oil painting, flower painting, Pink Tulip, Pink Parrot…