Small Paintings of Roses in watercolor
I think it is my Rose week. I have finished two small paintings of roses, both are in size 6x6 inch (15x15 cm).
The yellow Rose is painted on hotpressed Arches watercolor paper and the white Rose on Crescent Watercolor Board. Both surfaces…

Testing Schoellerhammers Illustration Board in watercolor
A friend was so kind to send me some of Schoellerhammers Illustration board and I wanted to try it out with watercolors. The surface is very smooth and it was not too bad to paint on it. Although I like the result I am not sure if I really…

More small paintings – Hibiscus, Sunflower and Iris
I am again late with posting here, sorry for that. But here are my newest small watercolor paintings.
I could not say by myself, which is my favorite, especially each painting has a different colour. But I really enjoyed doing…

Another Red Hollyhock
This Hollyhock is painted on Arches coldpressed paper and size is 4"x4".
Click here for purchase

Horse ACEOs at Etsy and a Landscape
I have updated my Shop at Etsy with more ACEOs of my colourful horses. They are all looking so wonderful together in real life.
I am not happy with the photo above, because it wass taken in bright sunlight, so the colours are not really…