More Steps on my Rose Elfe
Here are some more steps of my Rose painting in oil.
The size is 20"x20".
In the shadows I am using all colours on my palette: Sap Green, Cadmium Yellow, alizarin crimson, burnt sienna, Cerulean blue, phthalo green, phthalo blue.…

Pink Rose in oil and a WIP of the Rose “Elfe” (Fairy Rose)
In my previous post I mentioned that I was working on a pink Rose in oil. Today I finished this painting. It needed longer then I thought, because I really needed to get a feeling for the oil colours again. But with each brushstroke I was…

Purple Tulip painting in oil
It is a long time ago since I painted in oil. This is my newest painting and I really need some time to become familiar with the oils again.This purple tulip painting in oil is painted on panel and size is 7,2 x 10 inch (18x24 cm). It is still…

Orange Rose in watercolor with blue green leaves and dark background
I am currently working on two paintings - a figurative painting of a young girl at a lazy afternoon and another Hydrangea painting on Aquabord - both in watercolor. I will post a WIP of them when there is something to show.
So long I am…