Our home and  almost all it contained including our family history, our furniture, our car and my years of artwork and materials – all taken in a matter of moments in the catastrophic floods in the Ahr Valley, Germany.

We are so grateful our family is safe.

But we have now just heard our insurance won’t pay out for floods! We are devastated – again.




I have created a donate button.


We would be thankful for each tiny help

We only want to somewhere to call ‘our home’  where we can safely live and I can create art again.

Thank you!

Doris, Norbert, Miriam and Nicholas

Roses, Roses, Roses

No title yet - watercolor, size 16"x16" copyright:  Doris Joa For those who don't know my Rosesblog I want to show you one of my newest Rose paintings. It is a bit different than usual (especially in the background) and I really enjoyed…
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Golden Magnolia and E-book about watercolor

This is one of my newest paintings. I found this Magnolia on the "Landesgartenschau" this year, which is a very large Garden (Flower) show. I visited this place in late summer and there were so many many flowers, like Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers,…

Greeting Cards available

I have been working hard on some new projects in the past weeks, but for the moment I will not talk more about it, because my subscribers on my newsletter will be the first who will get the news. I hope to send the newsletter in the first week…

Something about portrait painting and skin tones

Yesterday I did have a visit from a very dear friend, which I have not seen for several years and it was a really wonderful time with her. She also paints and so we spent a lot of time painting and talking about painting. I felt very honored…

Something for fun

Yesterday I did something for fun. I created a small slideshow of my colourful horses and have uploaded this slideshow to youtube. Hope you like it too!