More Roses on my Rosesblog
I painted some more Roses. The Rose Heritage from David Austin, a pink and a red Rose and a small painting of the Rose New Dawn.
You can view the images here on my Rosesblog.

David Austin’s Rose Golden Celebration in watercolor
This is a small version of the beautiful yellow David Austin Rose "Golden Celebration". I have painted it in watercolor on 600 g (340 Lb) coldpressed Arches paper.

Merry Christmas with Eden Rose
I am wishing you all MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I hope you are all having a peaceful and happy time within your family.
This Eden Rose (Pierre de Ronsard) is another watercolor painting.
Size is 12,8"x17,6", painted on coldpressed Arches…

Three Roses
I have worked more on Roses in the past week and although I have posted them in my Rosesblog I have decided to show them also here on my mainblog.
The first one is the newest Rose painting. The colour is a bit difficult to describe. It…

Figurative work Progress and an Orange Challenge
In one of my previous posts I showed a picture of a figurative painting, on which I am currently working.
I have worked more on this, especially this time on the hair, to get a better suggestion how it will look. I must be careful to…