Tulips – Flower Paintings in Watercolor
Painting Tulips makes fun. I love to see the tulips showing their little heads - is it warm enough to come out or is it still too cold?
I love to see all the beautiful coloured tulips - yellow and red tulips, white and purple tulips. After…

More Steps on my Rose Elfe
Here are some more steps of my Rose painting in oil.
The size is 20"x20".
In the shadows I am using all colours on my palette: Sap Green, Cadmium Yellow, alizarin crimson, burnt sienna, Cerulean blue, phthalo green, phthalo blue.…

Pink Rose in oil and a WIP of the Rose “Elfe” (Fairy Rose)
In my previous post I mentioned that I was working on a pink Rose in oil. Today I finished this painting. It needed longer then I thought, because I really needed to get a feeling for the oil colours again. But with each brushstroke I was…

Purple Tulip painting in oil
It is a long time ago since I painted in oil. This is my newest painting and I really need some time to become familiar with the oils again.This purple tulip painting in oil is painted on panel and size is 7,2 x 10 inch (18x24 cm). It is still…

Follow me
This is my latest Figurative Painting. I have started with this painting four times and I was not happy. This is my latest attempt and I am finally happy with it.
Transparent Watercolor, Painted on 140 Lb coldpressed watercolor paper, size:…