Want to learn how to watercolor but you don’t know where to start? Want to improve your painting skills and take your art to a highler level ?
Painting with watercolors makes fun. But it can be a hard challenge when you don’t know which materials you need to have and when you don’t know how to start.
If you don’t know which materials you need to have for painting in watercolor then have a look on my list of Watercolor Tools for Beginners.
Want to create realistic looking flowers and roses? Want to create successful paintings and captivate the viewers of your work?
You have come to the right place! Start today and save time and money and learn how to watercolor with my 3 Watercolor DVDs / Online Video Lessons & my Watercolor E-book
Available in DVD-Format or as Online Video Lessons
Painting with watercolors makes a lot of fun.
My Watercolor DVDs & Videos teach you all you need to know how to create stunning paintings. Learn everything you want to know about watercolor painting in easy-to-follow-steps.
Many artists have a hard time to learn how to paint in watercolor. Do you want to learn how to start or do you want to create better paintings and not get overwhelmed?
Work with me and save time, money, and get the right knowledge so you can finally move ahead in your art career. Learn how to watercolor with my Watercolor DVDs or online with my Watercolor Videos. Free Art Lessons and demonstrations are also available.
Want to take your art to a highler level but you don’t know how?
I can help you. My Watercolor lessons contain:
- indepth instruction – everything you need to know
- list of materials
- complete Reference material
- BONUS Section on two DVDs
- additional Handbooks for two DVDs
Do you want your paintings speak to the viewers? Do you want to captivate them? Let me help you on your art journey. Get the right knowledge and lots of practical tips so you can adapt my art instructions to any subject and within a short time you will learn how to create stunning paintings.
I have watched a good part of the White Rose video & I am very pleased that I bought it. You are to be congratulated, as the detail, camera angles, painting techniques are perfect! Everything is explained fully. I would have no hesitation in recommending your White Rose Video to anyone who wants to improve their water colour technique. You are very welcome to quote me. Marie, Australia
You want
You will learn
- how to create realistic stunning flowers
- how to use colour temperature and tonal values that will enable you to create the three dimensional form of your Flowers and Roses
- how to create depth and substance in your work
- how to paint realistic leaves and beautiful backgrounds that support your main blooms so eloquently
My Watercolor DVDs/Video Lessons
Learn more about my Watercolor Lessons
Each watercolor lesson is offered with full reference material and list of material. For detailed description and more previews please click on the titles or images below.
DVD1: Watercolor Painting Lesson ‘How to create a successful complete painting with a white rose, leaves and background’
This Painting Lesson is about a complete painting.We start with the white rose, add the leaves and the background. All needs to work together. Often it happens that a painting looks more like a puzzle than a painting. I show you how to create a successful painting. You will love this lesson.
- how to start with the main subject,
- how to add leaves, stems and background.
- the very important steps how to put it all together and
- how to finish such a complex painting.
In this study you can use the whole knowledge and adapt it to any painting subject and you will amaze the viewers of your work. Learn all what is important about edges, learn more colour temperature and get a Bonus Study. You also get an additional handbook full with valuable tips. Print it out or view it on your tablet, smartphone or computer as this handbook is a .pdf-file.
3 hours indepth instructions ~ Handbook ~ Reference material ~ Bonus Lesson
Hi Doris, Just to say how much I am enjoying watching your DVD, I have just printed out the handbook which is full of useful tips, and I am now looking forward to painting (hopefully) a successful rose portrait. I always enjoy visiting your site…. Best Wishes, Hazel, USA
You can make a purchase below or click for more detailed information, more video-previews and testimonials.
DVD2: Watercolor Painting Lesson ‘How to paint leaves’
This is a MUST-HAVE for all flower and nature painters and a wonderful addition to each of my flower lessons.
- how to mix different greens
- how to build the form with darks and lights
- how to create painterly and realistic leaves and
- how to paint leaves with fall colours.
5 different studies of leaves are painted and you also will get a handbook and a Bonus Study – get this lesson to a fantastic price.
Dear Doris, Your DVD’s arrived late this afternoon much to my pleasant surprise. I thought they would be much later. I watched the one on painting leaves as soon as I got it. It is wonderful. You make everything look so easy. I can’t wait to try your techniques. I mostly do wet in wet, but now I will try wet in dry. Your leaves are simply gorgeous. Thanks again for that wonderful DVD. Can’t wait to view the other one. Do you use cold pressed or hot pressed paper? Regards, Sophie, Canada
2 h 9 m indepth instructions ~ 5 Leaf Studies ~ Reference material ~ Handbook ~ Bonus Lesson
You can make a purchase below or click for more detailed information, more video-previews and testimonials.
DVD3: Watercolor Painting Lesson ‘How to paint realistic stunning flowers’
This Painting Lessons is about how to paint different flowers: The Center of a white Daisy, the beautiful petals of a blue hydrangea, a pink rhododendron and the beautiful Rose Bonita Renaissance with an atmospheric background.
- how to create the realistic form of the flowers
- how to get soft washes on multi coloured petals
- how to get depth
- how to paint stamens
- how to paint the centers
- how to create the illusion of reality.
You will also learn how an atmospheric background supports a glowing rose painting. There is so much to learn in this Watercolor lesson, over 4.5 hours of invaluable art instruction.
Have just watched some of the best floral DVDs I have seen. Very impressed. They are wonderful and so professional. Got to about that and computer through me off. Her DVDs are so great and she shares every bit of knowledge. Soft edges are hard for me and the DVDs really help. Her new DVD Realistic Stunning Flowers in Watercolour is exceptional. Never seen daisy centres painted so well. They are taught expertly with thorough explanations. Beautiful DVDs Doris , Thankyou. Makes me want to paint !!!! When you like close detail like I do these DVDs are a must. So informative. Diana M., Australia
4.5 hours indepth instructions ~ 4 Flower Studies ~ Reference material
You can make a purchase below or click for more detailed information, more video-previews and testimonials.
Watercolor E-book: ‘How to paint realistic flowers’

With this E-book you can learn how to paint realistic flowers in watercolor. This e-book is a .pdf-file and you will be able to read it on your computer or on your smartphone or tablet. Of course you also can print it out.
- a Golden Magnolia
- a complex rose painting with two full roses, buds, leaves and dewdrops
- a White Rose Study
3 full Demonstration ~ 82 pages ~ over 130 photos ~ Reference material
… I love the book – simply beautiful! Please let me know if you do any more, your book is the best I have ever seen. Barbara
You can make a purchase below or click on the images for more detailed information, more video-previews and testimonials.
All these DVDs/Videos & the E-book help you improve your painting skills and to capture the viewers of your work!
Choose your format – Watercolor DVDs or Online Videos
Is the format of a DVD the best for you, so you can watch it on your TV or computer?
All Watercolor DVDs will be shipped within 24 hours after receipt of payment. Free shipping is possible.
Click on the button: Watercolor DVDs
Do you want to watch the lessons NOW on your tablet, computer or smartphone? Then the format of my Online Videos should work best for you.
The login information will be delivered to your E-mail box immediately after your purchase.
Click on the button: Online Video Lessons
Doris Joa is a passionate and professional watercolor and oil artist from Germany. Her paintings and also her Watercolor DVDs are selling world-wide and her work has been published in several art magazines. She teaches how you too can paint in an uncomplicate way – with the common watercolor techniques.
Her lessons are created with passion so you too can learn how to create successful paintings. She explains what she does and why, so you too can create a stunning painting by your own.
Learn to use the different kinds of edges, learn to use warm and cool colours as well as lights and darks to create the form of your subjects. Learn to integrate your subject into the background, learn to create beautiful colour mixes for your shadows. Painting is not only about colouring a subject – it is so much more!
For detailed information, testimonials and more video previews click on the images. Or buy them here:
Watercolor DVDs
My Watercolor DVDs can be viewed on any DVD player or on your computer. FREE shipping is offered when two or three DVDs bought together or check the special offer to save more money when buying all DVDs together.
All of my Watercolor DVDs are also available as Online Videos
For detailed description, reference material & previews please click on the images. Read also what other happy customers are saying:
Note: The Watercolor DVD(s) will be shipped within 24 hours after the receipt of payment. Shipping costs are 8 USD worldwide. Free Shipping is possible when two or three DVDs are bought together. Then the code for free shipping is: dvd-free.
Want to take your art to a highler level but you don’t know how?
Watercolor Online Videos
Watercolor E-book
Click here to get free Art Lessons for better paintings!
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