
Purple Tulip painting in oil
It is a long time ago since I painted in oil. This is my newest painting and I really need some time to become familiar with the oils again.This purple tulip painting in oil is painted on panel and size is 7,2 x 10 inch (18x24 cm). It is still…

E-book endlich in deutsch erhältlich – E-book finally in german available
My E-book "How to paint realistic flowers in watercolor?" is finally in german language available. It has needed really long time, but now it is there.
I am currently working on a large new figurative painting. There are so many things…

Pink Magenta Peony Painting in watercolor
I finished my Pink Peony Painting in watercolor. Or should I say better Magenta. The colour is so strong, that maybe Magenta or red would fit better. Size is 12"x12" and it is painted on stretched watercolor canvas.
Price: $130 plus $10 shipping…

Small Lily painting in watercolor
This is another small watercolor painting, again painted on Crescent Cardboard and size is 4"x4".
I found this beautiful Lily at an event, which I visited in the past year. It is called "Landpartie" at "Burg Adendorf", an old castle and not…

Tulip with Dewdrops
This is another small painting, painted on hotpressed Crescent Cardboard.
Size 4"x4". I really like to paint on this surface. For the dewdrops I have not saved any whites and I have not add any white, since I only paint with transparent watercolors.