

David Austins Rose Heritage in watercolor and I am listed on the 50 best blogs for watercolor artists

"Heritage" David Austin Rose size: 12"x16" (30x40 cm) on 600 g (340 lb) coldpressed watercolor paper © Doris Joa A big thank you to Webdesign School Guide for including my blog in their 50 best blogs for watercolor artists. Thank you,…

Yellow, Red and Orange Rose

I am still working on my large figurative painting - I hope it will be finished in the next days. But I really needed a break from this and so I did some Rose paintings. The Red and Yellow Rose are small ones, 6x6 inch. The Orange…

More Roses on my Rosesblog

I painted some more Roses. The Rose Heritage from David Austin, a pink and a red Rose and a small painting of the Rose New Dawn. You can view the images here on my Rosesblog.

David Austin’s Rose Golden Celebration in watercolor

This is a small version of the beautiful yellow David Austin Rose "Golden Celebration".  I have painted it in watercolor on 600 g (340 Lb) coldpressed Arches paper.