
Girl at the beach – Watercolor figurative Painting
The work on my site still isn't finished - thank you for your understanding.
But in the meantime I am showing you my newest Watercolor figurative painting. It is a young girl standing at the beach overlooking the ocean.
I am just having…

Pink, Red, White, Rose Paintings and a figurative painting of a young woman/girl on a bridge
Roses in watercolor in pink, red and white. Painting of a young woman standing on a bridge looking over the river with green landscape. Aquarellbild von einer jungen Frau auf einer Brücke stehend und schaut über einen Fluss.

Young girl sitting on stairs reading a book – realistic figurative painting
I am so behind with posting on my blog - I am sorry.
I was on vacations with my family - a wonderful time and wonderful to see the Ocean again. Of course I did a lot of photos and hope some of them will turn into some new paintings.

And another figure painting
I have done another figurative work. I am trying to find out what colours and which methods work the best for me.
In this painting and also on the girl painting posted before I used mainly Raw Sienna, Scarlet Lake and Winsor Blue (green shade).…

Greeting Cards available
I have been working hard on some new projects in the past weeks, but for the moment I will not talk more about it, because my subscribers on my newsletter will be the first who will get the news. I hope to send the newsletter in the first week…