
E-book endlich in deutsch erhältlich – E-book finally in german available
My E-book "How to paint realistic flowers in watercolor?" is finally in german language available. It has needed really long time, but now it is there.
I am currently working on a large new figurative painting. There are so many things…

Happy New Year and a Dancing Rhodie
I want to wish you all a very healthy, successful and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009.
It is also the time to say Thank You. It is wonderful to know that you enjoy my art.
Here is one of my newest paintings, a Dancing Rhodie.
I have started…

Greeting Cards available
I have been working hard on some new projects in the past weeks, but for the moment I will not talk more about it, because my subscribers on my newsletter will be the first who will get the news. I hope to send the newsletter in the first week…

Miniature Painting – Flower girl
I thought I would try a real miniature painting again. This "Flower girl" - painting is painted with watercolors on hotpressed Crescent Cardboard and the size is 2"x3".
It made fun to work so small. But for some reason I did not like…

Daffodils in watercolor
This is my newest watercolor, painted on 140 Lb coldpressed paper.
Size is around 8"x11".