
A small Rose and a small pink Hybiscus in watercolor
Today I have to share two paintings.
Pink Hybiscus, 6"x6" (15x15 cm),
Price: $50 USD plus $10 shipping international
The first one is a Pink Hybiscus and the second one a small Rose painting, both painted in watercolor…

Blue Violet Hibiscus in watercolor and MOO businesscards
Blue Violet Hybiscus, watercolor on 140 Lb paper
size: 6x6 inch (15x15 cm)
This Blue Violet Hybiscus is painted in watercolor. It grows in one of my neighbours garden and I was allowed to do some photos there.
The Blue and Violets were…

More Roses …
As I said it seems to be my Rose week.
I have painted to more. The first one is painted on Reeves Watercolour board and size is 6x9 inch.
The other one is painted on hotpressed Crescent Watercolour Board and size is 6x6 inch.…

White Hibiscus
I have worked on another small painting.
My neighbours Hibiscus is full in bloom and I asked for doing some reference photos. This painting is the result, it is painted in watercolor, size is 4"x4" (10x10 cm).
I am working on more…