
Pink, Red, White, Rose Paintings and a figurative painting of a young woman/girl on a bridge
Roses in watercolor in pink, red and white. Painting of a young woman standing on a bridge looking over the river with green landscape. Aquarellbild von einer jungen Frau auf einer Brücke stehend und schaut über einen Fluss.

Romantic Roses in watercolor – Romantische Rosen in Aquarell gemalt
Romantic Rose Paintings in Watercolor - how to paint roses in watercolor , yellow rose, white rose, pink rose, red rose on Arches hotpressed paper - Romantische Rosen gemalt in Aquarell - Aquarellrosenbilder - wie male ich Rosen - gelbe Rose, weiße Rose, rote Rose, heißgepresstes Aquarellpapier

Black Cat and a small woman head study
The small woman head study was painted on 340 Lb coldpressed paper. I just wanted to try how this paper works. I painted already some flowers on this paper, but I really wanted to figure out how it works for faces and hair. It works -…

Purple Tulip painting in oil
It is a long time ago since I painted in oil. This is my newest painting and I really need some time to become familiar with the oils again.This purple tulip painting in oil is painted on panel and size is 7,2 x 10 inch (18x24 cm). It is still…

Violet Pansies
This is another small painting, this time some Violet Pansies. I found these pansies in the past week while a visit at a castle here in our near.
They are painted in watercolor and I really like the strong colour.
Size is 6"x6", painted…