
Miniature Painting – Flower girl
I thought I would try a real miniature painting again. This "Flower girl" - painting is painted with watercolors on hotpressed Crescent Cardboard and the size is 2"x3".
It made fun to work so small. But for some reason I did not like…

Tulip with Dewdrops
This is another small painting, painted on hotpressed Crescent Cardboard.
Size 4"x4". I really like to paint on this surface. For the dewdrops I have not saved any whites and I have not add any white, since I only paint with transparent watercolors.

Blue Iris – Watercolor Painting on Aquabord
This is my latest watercolor painting. I saw this blue Iris full in bloom and it was a joy to paint it.
Unfortunately the camera did not make the best photo - it seems that the blue bothers the lense.
But I have done my best to adjust the…

Just for fun – Woman watercolor portrait
This painting was done just for fun. I loved the pose and the light and HAD to paint this immediately. Photo was done by myself and the model is my best girl friend.
It is painted with transparent watercolors on Textured Claybord (Aquabord),…

Daffodils in watercolor
This is my newest watercolor, painted on 140 Lb coldpressed paper.
Size is around 8"x11".