
New figurative painting with girl and a cat
"My Space", 16"x22"
watercolor on coldpressed paper
I just realized how many weeks are over since I have done my last post here.
I have done a lot of work on my website. I wanted to have something new when viewers do enlarge the images. So…

Pansies in watercolor on Textured Claybord
I don't know what it is. Each spring I am always thinking about doing a pansy painting. This year it was the same. So I stopped at my local garden shop and bought some. This is the result:
The Pansies are painted on Textured Claybord in…

Happy New Year and a new watercolor painting of a Hollyhock on Textured Claybord
At first I want to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008.
I have started the new year with a new watercolor painting. In the past time there has changed a lot in my thinking how I want to do my watercolors. For the past years I always loved…

Two Miniatures – Iris and a Rose
I am more and more fascinated from painting Miniatures. It is really a challenge.
I have painted an Iris and a yellow Rose.
Both paintings are in the size 2,5"x3,5" and painted on hotpressed paper in watercolor.

New Watercolor Rose painting finished
Well, I have been sick with a very bad ear infect in the past week, so I am sorry for not posting for a while here.
But now all is going on better and I am painting again.
I have finished a new Rose painting in watercolor. It is a beautiful…