
Figurative Painting of a young child sitting at the water and a black cat sitting in a tree – watercolor paintings
Figurative Painting of a young little girl sitting at a river with wet feet. A black cat painting in watercolor of a cat sitting in a tree and overlooking the scene. Watercolor artwork. Figürliches Gemälde in Aquarell mit einem jungen Mädchen in rosa Hose und weißem Shirt mit rosa Schuhen sitzt an einem Fluss und hat nasse Füsse. Realistische Malerei. Katzen Aquarellbild von einer schwarzen Katze, die in einem Baum sitzt. Aquarellmalerei.

Black Cat and a small woman head study
The small woman head study was painted on 340 Lb coldpressed paper. I just wanted to try how this paper works. I painted already some flowers on this paper, but I really wanted to figure out how it works for faces and hair. It works -…

Pink Rose in oil and a WIP of the Rose “Elfe” (Fairy Rose)
In my previous post I mentioned that I was working on a pink Rose in oil. Today I finished this painting. It needed longer then I thought, because I really needed to get a feeling for the oil colours again. But with each brushstroke I was…

Purple Tulip painting in oil
It is a long time ago since I painted in oil. This is my newest painting and I really need some time to become familiar with the oils again.This purple tulip painting in oil is painted on panel and size is 7,2 x 10 inch (18x24 cm). It is still…

Finished – Blue Watercolor Hydrangea Painting
Blue Hydrangea II, size: 12"x16", watercolor painting
I finished the Hydrangea Painting. All this little petals can make someone crazy - but I am very pleased with the painting.
In the past days I worked more on my website. You will…