
Happy New Year and a Dancing Rhodie
I want to wish you all a very healthy, successful and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009.
It is also the time to say Thank You. It is wonderful to know that you enjoy my art.
Here is one of my newest paintings, a Dancing Rhodie.
I have started…

Golden Magnolia and E-book about watercolor
This is one of my newest paintings. I found this Magnolia on the "Landesgartenschau" this year, which is a very large Garden (Flower) show. I visited this place in late summer and there were so many many flowers, like Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers,…

And some Daisies
Daisies in watercolor, painted on hotpressed Watercolor paper, size is 6x6 inch
Click here for purchase information

Small Paintings of Roses in watercolor
I think it is my Rose week. I have finished two small paintings of roses, both are in size 6x6 inch (15x15 cm).
The yellow Rose is painted on hotpressed Arches watercolor paper and the white Rose on Crescent Watercolor Board. Both surfaces…

Yellow Dahlia and a Blue Hydrangea
This are my latest small watercolor paintings. A Yellow Dahlia and a Blue Hydrangea. Both are painted on coldpressed Arches watercolor paper. The size of the Yellow Dahlia is 5"x7" and the Blue Hydrangea is 6x6 inch. I really had fun to paint…