
Figurative Painting of a young child sitting at the water and a black cat sitting in a tree – watercolor paintings
Figurative Painting of a young little girl sitting at a river with wet feet. A black cat painting in watercolor of a cat sitting in a tree and overlooking the scene. Watercolor artwork. Figürliches Gemälde in Aquarell mit einem jungen Mädchen in rosa Hose und weißem Shirt mit rosa Schuhen sitzt an einem Fluss und hat nasse Füsse. Realistische Malerei. Katzen Aquarellbild von einer schwarzen Katze, die in einem Baum sitzt. Aquarellmalerei.

Cat in watercolor and a Hydrangea in progress
I believe I haven't post this small cat painting yet. I did it some weeks ago of my daughter's beloved cat. It is a watercolor painting in ACEO size (2,5 x 3,5 inch) on 140 Lb coldpressed paper.
The challenge was to not use any masking…

White apricot coloured Rose Clair Renaissance -Finished Rose painting
Rose Clair Renaissance IV - 12"x16" (30x40 cm)
painted on 140 Lb hotpressed stretched watercolor canvas
In my previous post I posted some Steps of my newest Rose Painting. And I couldn't resist and wanted to finish it as I also wanted to…

Yellow, Red and Orange Rose
I am still working on my large figurative painting - I hope it will be finished in the next days. But I really needed a break from this and so I did some Rose paintings. The Red and Yellow Rose are small ones, 6x6 inch. The Orange…

E-book endlich in deutsch erhältlich – E-book finally in german available
My E-book "How to paint realistic flowers in watercolor?" is finally in german language available. It has needed really long time, but now it is there.
I am currently working on a large new figurative painting. There are so many things…