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Portrait study of a beautiful girl

Today I have worked on this small portrait study. This girl is really beautiful and I wanted to capture this in my painting. It is only a small painting (around 8x10 inch) and painted with watercolors. My colours were half opaque and…

Roses, Roses, Roses

No title yet - watercolor, size 16"x16" copyright:  Doris Joa For those who don't know my Rosesblog I want to show you one of my newest Rose paintings. It is a bit different than usual (especially in the background) and I really enjoyed…

Three Roses

I have worked more on Roses in the past week and although I have posted them in my Rosesblog I have decided to show them also here on my mainblog. The first one is the newest Rose painting. The colour is a bit difficult to describe. It…
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Golden Magnolia and E-book about watercolor

This is one of my newest paintings. I found this Magnolia on the "Landesgartenschau" this year, which is a very large Garden (Flower) show. I visited this place in late summer and there were so many many flowers, like Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers,…

Greeting Cards available

I have been working hard on some new projects in the past weeks, but for the moment I will not talk more about it, because my subscribers on my newsletter will be the first who will get the news. I hope to send the newsletter in the first week…