
Pink, Red, White, Rose Paintings and a figurative painting of a young woman/girl on a bridge
Roses in watercolor in pink, red and white. Painting of a young woman standing on a bridge looking over the river with green landscape. Aquarellbild von einer jungen Frau auf einer Brücke stehend und schaut über einen Fluss.

Romantic Roses in watercolor – Romantische Rosen in Aquarell gemalt
Romantic Rose Paintings in Watercolor - how to paint roses in watercolor , yellow rose, white rose, pink rose, red rose on Arches hotpressed paper - Romantische Rosen gemalt in Aquarell - Aquarellrosenbilder - wie male ich Rosen - gelbe Rose, weiße Rose, rote Rose, heißgepresstes Aquarellpapier

More Roses …
As I said it seems to be my Rose week.
I have painted to more. The first one is painted on Reeves Watercolour board and size is 6x9 inch.
The other one is painted on hotpressed Crescent Watercolour Board and size is 6x6 inch.…

More small paintings
I am so late with posting here on my blog, so I have to show a bunch of new small paintings.
It is a great fun to paint small and to try things out. I am always struggling with the background, should I make him dark or light or busy or simple?…