
New Roses in Watercolor: Red Rose, Yellow Rose, Pink Rose Painting
Roses in Watercolor
© Doris Joa
I have finished three new Watercolor Rose Paintings. This are close ups of a red rose, a pink rose and a yellow rose. I love how they are bathed in sunshine.
The red rose is a very warm red rose.…

Small Paintings of Roses in watercolor
I think it is my Rose week. I have finished two small paintings of roses, both are in size 6x6 inch (15x15 cm).
The yellow Rose is painted on hotpressed Arches watercolor paper and the white Rose on Crescent Watercolor Board. Both surfaces…

Another small painting … Rose Golden Celebration in watercolor
This rose watercolor painting is another one of my small series. It is the Rose Golden Celebration, one of David Austin's roses. Size is this time not really 4"x4", it is around 3,8" x3,5". I really have fun doing this small paintings and there…